Call for Challenge Proposals
Important Dates
Proposals of challenges due:
Notification of pre-selection for challenges:
Challenge paper deadline (same as regular papers):
Final list of challenges:
21 October 2024
31 October 2024
12 February 2025
14 May 2025
Submissions for challenge proposals are invited for Interspeech 2025!
Challenge proposals should cover interdisciplinary topics and/or important new emerging areas in speech communication. Submissions related to the special focus of the conference's theme, Fair and Inclusive Speech Science and Technology, are particularly welcome. Proposals should describe why the topic is relevant to the conference regular topics, and if applicable, to the conference's theme. Note that the deadline for challenge proposal submission is earlier than regular special sessions, namely on 21 October 2024. This is to give the challenge organizers time to disseminate the call and give participants enough time to participate and submit their papers before the regular paper deadline.
A Challenge proposal must contain the following information:
Challenge title
Challenge organizers (including contact information and a brief biography for each organizer)
Brief introduction of the challenge
Significance of the challenge
Rules for participation
Criteria for judging the submissions to the competition
Data sets to be used and, if applicable, planned baseline systems
Relevant dates (e.g., submission deadline, data available, and winner announcement)
A list of recommended expert reviewers (max 20 names), in compliance with the ISCA requirement (
Proposals will be evaluated by the organizing committee in consultation with the ISCA Technical Committee for relevance and significance to the conference.
Papers for approved Challenges must be submitted according to the same schedule and procedure as used for regular papers. Papers will undergo the same review process by anonymous and independent reviewers.
Note that challenges can run for a maximum of three years in total. If this rule makes your proposal ineligible, we encourage you to organize your event as an Interspeech Satellite Workshop instead.
Proposals as well as any questions should be submitted to the Special Session Chairs: Rob van Son (Netherlands Cancer Institute, the Netherlands) and Heysem Kaya (Utrecht University, the Netherlands) at
Interspeech 2025
PCO: TU Delft Events
Delft University of Technology
Communication Department
Prometheusplein 1
2628 ZC Delft
The Netherlands
X (formerly Twitter): @ISCAInterspeech
Interspeech 2025 is working under the privacy policy of TU Delft
Interspeech 2025
Interspeech 2025interspeech2025@tudelft.nl
Interspeech 2025Interspeech 20250.00EUROnlineOnly2019-01-01T00:00:00Z
To be announcedTo be announced