Paper Submission
The deadline for submissions is Wednesday, February 12, 2025, 23:59, Anywhere on Earth. This deadline applies to both regular papers and to papers submitted to special sessions & challenges. Updates of submitted papers will be accepted until Wednesday, February 19, 2025, 23:59, Anywhere on Earth. Only updates to the pdf and media files, the title and the abstract will be permitted, while updates to the topics and the authors cannot be made. Make sure that your paper complies with all instructions and specifications in the Paper Kit and with the ISCA Code of Ethics for Authors and the Submission Policy.
As for the last Interspeech, reviewing is double-blind. Please take particular care to follow the instructions in the Paper Kit regarding author identity and note that an anonymity period is required during which non-anonymous versions of the paper submitted or to be submitted to Interspeech cannot be uploaded or updated online. The anonymity period starts a month before the submission deadline and ends when the accept/reject decisions are announced.
For paper submission, you will leave the Interspeech 2025 website and be redirected to the CMT system. If you already have a CMT account, you can log in with your existing credentials. If you do not have a CMT account, you will need to create one.
ISCA requires at least one co-author to be a reviewer for ISCA conferences if they qualify. See the bottom of this page for more information about becoming a reviewer for ISCA conferences.
Domain conflicts
These are used to help detect conflicts of interest when assigning reviewers. Please enter your domain conflicts in two places:
in your CMT user account: click your user name, select Domain Conflicts, then enter your domain(s);
for each paper you submit: enter the domain conflicts for all authors of this paper, including the current domain of each author (CMT does not automatically do this based on authors' CMT accounts).
Submission form
The submission form will ask you to
confirm compliance with the ISCA Code of Ethics for Authors, the Interspeech 2025 Pre-prints Policy, and the Interspeech 2025 Conference Policy – please read these before starting your submission
agree to the No-show Policy
indicate your preferred Presentation Format (oral or poster)
state whether you want the paper to be considered for the Best Student Paper award
optionally indicate the self-identified gender of the first author (which will be used for statistical purposes only)
indicate the email of any co-authors who should be added to the reviewer database
answer the Scientific reporting check list as provided in the Paper Kit
Submit a paper
Link to CMT:
Please become a reviewer for ISCA conferences
Interspeech uses peer review to evaluate submitted manuscripts. If you are not already a reviewer for ISCA conferences and you are eligible, you should sign up at using the same email address as you have for CMT. To be eligible as a reviewer for ISCA you should have previously published at Interspeech, ICASSP,
ICPhS or related conferences and satisfy two or more of the following conditions:
Hold a Ph.D.
Published at least one journal article as first author in a speech-related journal (e.g., IEEE/ACM T-ASLP; Speech Communication; Computer, Speech & Language; JASA; Phonetica; Journal of Phonetics; or other comparable journals)
Published at least 3 Interspeech/ICASSP/ASRU/SLT or major NLP conference (ACL/EMNLP/NAACL) papers as first author
Received at least 100 citations on first authored papers
Have an h-index of at least 7 and i10-index of at least 10
Be recommended by an ISCA Fellow, ACL Fellow, IEEE Fellow, IEEE Senior Member, or current/past Interspeech Area Chair
To help conference organisers match the papers allocated to you, please also register with the Toronto Paper Matching System at using the same email address as CMT. This should result in you being assigned papers that better match your interests and expertise.
Interspeech 2025
PCO: TU Delft Events
Delft University of Technology
Communication Department
Prometheusplein 1
2628 ZC Delft
The Netherlands
X (formerly Twitter): @ISCAInterspeech
Interspeech 2025 is working under the privacy policy of TU Delft
Interspeech 2025
Interspeech 2025interspeech2025@tudelft.nl
Interspeech 2025Interspeech 20250.00EUROnlineOnly2019-01-01T00:00:00Z
To be announcedTo be announced